4. MOVEMotor motor tests

Run a series of tests on the motors.
Vary the paths the buggy takes.
When testing, it is useful to test the various forms of the syntax:
  1. Test defaults by not passing arguments. e.g. buggy.forwards()

  2. Test using named arguments. e.g. buggy.forwards(speed=2, duration=200, decrease_left=5, decrease_right=0)

  3. Test using named arguments not in order. e.g. buggy.forwards(decrease_left=5, decrease_right=0, speed=2, duration=200)

  4. Test using positional arguments. e.g buggy.forwards(2, 200, 5, 0)

The tests below generally use positional arguments for simplicity, with the syntax on a commented line as a reminder.

4.1. Set up the buggy

Set up the buggy motors for testing their use.
from microbit import *
import MOVEMotor

# setup buggy
buggy = MOVEMotor.MOVEMotorMotors()

4.2. forwards backwards test

Test the use of:
forwards(speed=1, duration=None, decrease_left=0, decrease_right=0)
backwards(speed=1, duration=None, decrease_left=0, decrease_right=0)
Use for i in range(2, 11, 2) to go forwards then backwards from speed 2 to speed 10 in steps of 2.
from microbit import *
import MOVEMotor

# setup buggy
buggy = MOVEMotor.MOVEMotorMotors()

def forward_backward_test():
    # forwards(speed=1, duration=None, decrease_left=0, decrease_right=0)
    # backwards(speed=1, duration=None, decrease_left=0, decrease_right=0)
    for i in range(2, 11, 2):
        buggy.forwards(i, 1000)
        buggy.backwards(i, 1000)



  1. Modify the code to just go forwards at increasing speeds.

  2. Modify the code to just go backwards at increasing speeds.

  3. Modify the code to go forwards at increasing speeds then backwards at increasing speeds.

4.3. Straight line test

Test the use of decrease_left when going forwards or backward:
forwards(speed=1, duration=None, decrease_left=0, decrease_right=0)
backwards(speed=1, duration=None, decrease_left=0, decrease_right=0)
Start at speed 2, increase to speed 5 then go to speed 9, then slow down in short steps.
Test with a decrease_left of 5 (delta) and vary this manually until a straight line is achieved.
from microbit import *
import MOVEMotor

# setup buggy
buggy = MOVEMotor.MOVEMotorMotors()

def straight_line_test(delta=5):
    # straight line test with smooth start and stop
    buggy.forwards(speed=2, duration=200, decrease_left=delta, decrease_right=0)
    buggy.forwards(5, 200, delta, 0)
    buggy.forwards(9, 1000, delta, 0)
    buggy.forwards(5, 200, delta, 0)
    buggy.forwards(2, 200, delta, 0)
    buggy.backwards(2, 200, delta, 0)
    buggy.backwards(5, 200, delta, 0)
    buggy.backwards(9, 1000, delta, 0)
    buggy.backwards(5, 200, delta, 0)
    buggy.backwards(2, 200, delta, 0)



  1. Modify the code to use decrease_right instead of decrease_left.

  2. Modify the code to use a for-loop to test delta values of 5, 10, 15, and 20.

4.4. Individual motors test

Test the use of:
left_motor(speed=1, duration=None)
right_motor(speed=1, duration=None)
Test the left motor backwards and forward.
Then, test the right motor backwards and forward.
Use a for-loop to vary the speed from -10 (max backward) to 10 (max forward) for each motor separately.
from microbit import *
import MOVEMotor

# setup buggy
buggy = MOVEMotor.MOVEMotorMotors()

def individual_motors_test():
    # left_motor(speed=1, duration=None)
    # right_motor(speed=1, duration=None)
    for i in range(-10, 11, 2):
        buggy.left_motor(i, 200)
    for i in range(10, -11, -2):
        buggy.right_motor(i, 200)



  1. Modify the code to just use the left motor.

  2. Modify the code to just use the right motor.

  3. Modify the for-loops for each motor to just go forwards at varying speeds.

  4. Modify the for-loop for each motor to just go backwards at varying speeds.

  5. Modify the for-loop to change the speed in steps of 1 for 100ms each.

  6. Modify the for-loop to change the speed in steps of 5 for 400ms each.

4.5. Spin test

Test the use of:
spin(speed=1, duration=None)
Use a for-loop to increase the speed progressively as it spins to the left then to the right.
from microbit import *
import MOVEMotor

# setup buggy
buggy = MOVEMotor.MOVEMotorMotors()

def spin_test():
    # spin(speed=1, duration=None)
    for i in range(2, 11, 2):
        buggy.spin_left(i, 500)
    for i in range(2, 11, 2):
        buggy.spin_right(i, 500)



  1. Modify the code to just spin left.

  2. Modify the code to just spin right.

  3. Modify the code to spin left then right at each speed as the speed of spinning is increased.

4.6. Turn test

Test the use of:
left(speed=1, radius=25, duration=None)
Turn to the left at increasing speed, then turn to the right at increasing speed.
from microbit import *
import MOVEMotor

# setup buggy
buggy = MOVEMotor.MOVEMotorMotors()

def turn_test():
    # left(speed=1, radius=25, duration=None)
    # right(speed=1, radius=25, duration=None)
    for i in range(2, 11, 2):
        buggy.left(i, 25, 400)
    for i in range(2, 11, 2):
        buggy.right(i, 25, 400)



  1. Modify the code to just turn left.

  2. Modify the code to just turn right.

  3. Modify the code to turn left then right at each speed as the speed of turning is increased..

4.7. Zig Zag test

Zigzag left then right by setting different left and right motor speeds.
Zigzag forwards then backwards using two separate for-loops.
from microbit import *
import MOVEMotor

# setup buggy
buggy = MOVEMotor.MOVEMotorMotors()

def zigzag_test(slow_speed=2, fast_speed=4, zigzag_count=5, zigzag_time=1000):
    for i in range(zigzag_count):
    for i in range(zigzag_count):

zigzag_test(2, 4, 5, 1000)


  1. Modify the code to just zig zag forward.

  2. Modify the new zig zag forwards code with zigzag_count=1, and place zigzag_test(2, fast_speed, 5, 1000) in a for-loop and vary fast_speed from 3 to 8.

4.8. Polygon test

Move the buggy forwards in straight lines then spin it and repeat to move in the shape of a polygon.
from microbit import *
import MOVEMotor

# setup buggy
buggy = MOVEMotor.MOVEMotorMotors()

def polygon_test(spin_duration=240, sides=20):
    for i in range(sides):
        buggy.forwards(3, 800)
        buggy.spin(1, 'left', spin_duration)



  1. Experiment with the spin duration value to move the buggy in the shape of a square.

  2. Experiment with the spin duration value to move the buggy in the shape of a triangle.

4.9. Spiral test

Move the buggy in curved paths with increasing radii so that it spirals outwards.
from microbit import *
import MOVEMotor

# setup buggy
buggy = MOVEMotor.MOVEMotorMotors()

def spiral_test():
    for i in [10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100]:
        buggy.left(5, i, duration=1000)



  1. Edit the radii values in the list to create different spirals.

  2. Edit the radii values in the list to spiral inwards.

4.10. Oval test

Move the buggy in the shape of an oval.
Use the zip function on a list of radii and a list of durations so that both lists can be used in a for-loop.
Use for r, d in zip(radii, durations) to create an iterator that produces tuples of the form (r, d) from the two lists: radii and durations.
radii has values for each expected radius for the turn.
durations has values for each expected duration for the turn.
from microbit import *
import MOVEMotor

# setup buggy
buggy = MOVEMotor.MOVEMotorMotors()

def oval_test():
    radii = [20, 40, 60, 80, 60, 40]
    durations = [500, 600, 1000, 1000, 1000, 600]
    for i in range(6):
        for r, d in zip(radii, durations):
            buggy.left(3, r, d)



  1. Experiment with the radii or durations to vary the oval shape.

4.11. Loops test

The shape below is an epitrochoid, from the Greek epi “over” and trokhos “wheel”.
Move the buggy in the circular shape with small loops.
Use the zip function on a list of radii and a list of durations so that both lists can be used together at the same time in one for-loop.
Use for r, d in zip(radii, durations) to create an iterator that produces tuples of the form (r, d) from the two lists: radii and durations.
radii has values in order for each expected radius for the turn.
durations has values in order for each expected duration for the turn.
from microbit import *
import MOVEMotor

# setup buggy
buggy = MOVEMotor.MOVEMotorMotors()

def loops_test():
    radii = [10, 30, 80, 30]
    durations = [2000, 400, 1200, 400]
    for i in range(6):
        for r, d in zip(radii, durations):
            buggy.left(5, r, d)



  1. Experiment with the radii or durations to vary the epitrochoid’s shape.