2. Slalom
Tilt to move side to side so moving wall is not hit.
import microbit as m
import random
p = m.display.show
min_x = -1024
max_x = 1024
range_x = max_x - min_x
wall_min_speed = 500
player_min_speed = 300
wall_max_speed = 150
player_max_speed = 50
speed_max = 12
while True:
i = m.Image("00000:" * 5)
s = i.set_pixel
player_x = 2
wall_y = -1
hole = 0
score = 0
handled_this_wall = False
wall_speed = wall_min_speed
player_speed = player_min_speed
wall_next = 0
player_next = 0
while True:
t = m.running_time()
player_update = t >= player_next
wall_update = t >= wall_next
if not (player_update or wall_update):
next_event = min(wall_next, player_next)
delta = next_event - t
if wall_update:
# calculate new speeds
speed = min(score, speed_max)
wall_speed = wall_min_speed + int(
(wall_max_speed - wall_min_speed) * speed / speed_max
player_speed = player_min_speed + int(
(player_max_speed - player_min_speed) * speed / speed_max
wall_next = t + wall_speed
if wall_y < 5:
# erase old wall
use_wall_y = max(wall_y, 0)
for wall_x in range(5):
if wall_x != hole:
s(wall_x, use_wall_y, 0)
wall_reached_player = wall_y == 4
if player_update:
player_next = t + player_speed
# find new x coord
x = m.accelerometer.get_x()
x = min(max(min_x, x), max_x)
# print("x accel", x)
s(player_x, 4, 0) # turn off old pixel
x = ((x - min_x) / range_x) * 5
x = min(max(0, x), 4)
x = int(x + 0.5)
# print("have", position, "want", x)
if not handled_this_wall:
if player_x < x:
player_x += 1
elif player_x > x:
player_x -= 1
# print("new", position)
# print()
if wall_update:
# update wall position
wall_y += 1
if wall_y == 7:
wall_y = -1
hole = random.randrange(5)
handled_this_wall = False
if wall_y < 5:
# draw new wall
use_wall_y = max(wall_y, 0)
for wall_x in range(5):
if wall_x != hole:
s(wall_x, use_wall_y, 6)
if wall_reached_player and not handled_this_wall:
handled_this_wall = True
if player_x != hole:
# collision! game over!
score += 1
if player_update:
s(player_x, 4, 9) # turn on new pixel
m.display.scroll("Score:" + str(score), delay=60)
while True:
if m.button_a.is_pressed() or m.button_b.is_pressed():
Test the various speed variables to find values for an easy game and for a hard game. Add choice of games via buttons at start.