3. RPS dictionary
3.1. Python Game design
winner = results.get(combo, 'invalid entry')
. This is able to handle the use of a key that does not exist.winner = results[combo]
since if the user entry is not a proper choice, an error results.import random
results = {
('rock', 'rock'): 'tie',
('rock', 'paper'): 'computer',
('rock', 'scissors'): 'human',
('paper', 'rock'): 'human',
('paper', 'paper'): 'tie',
('paper', 'scissors'): 'computer',
('scissors', 'rock'): 'computer',
('scissors', 'paper'): 'human',
('scissors', 'scissors'): 'tie',
num_games = int(input('How many games would you like to play? '))
for i in range(num_games):
computer_move = random.choice(['scissors', 'paper', 'rock'])
human_move = input('Type your move: rock, paper or scissors. ')
results_key = (human_move, computer_move)
print('Computer Played: ' + computer_move)
print('Human Played: ' + human_move)
# winner = results[combo]
winner = results.get(results_key, 'invalid entry')
if winner == 'invalid entry':
print('invalid entry')
elif winner == 'tie':
print(winner + ' wins')
Modify the python code to use R, P or S instead of rock, paper or scissors throughout the code.
Add counters so that the total wins, losses and draws is printed after each game in python.
Modify the code to ask for a valid move from the use by placing the human move in a while loop and test to see if the move is a list or tuple of valid moves.
3.2. Microbit version
from microbit import *
import random
results = {
('R', 'R'): 'tie',
('R', 'P'): 'computer',
('R', 'S'): 'human',
('P', 'R'): 'human',
('P', 'P'): 'tie',
('P', 'S'): 'computer',
('S', 'R'): 'computer',
('S', 'P'): 'human',
('S', 'S'): 'tie',
display.scroll('A for R B for P A&B for S', delay=80)
while True:
microbit_move = random.choice(['R', 'P', 'S'])
while True:
# short pause to allow time to hold down 2 buttons
if button_a.is_pressed() and button_b.is_pressed():
human_move = 'S'
elif button_a.is_pressed():
human_move = 'R'
elif button_b.is_pressed():
human_move = 'P'
display.scroll(human_move + ' v ' + microbit_move, delay=60)
results_key = (human_move, microbit_move)
winner = results.get(results_key, 'invalid entry')
if winner == 'invalid entry':
if winner == 'tie':
elif winner == 'human':
elif winner == 'computer':
Modify the microbit code so that after the first game, arrows to the A button and B button are shown to prompt the user to play another game.
Add counters so that the total wins, losses and ties is scrolled after each game. e.g. ‘W3 L2 T4’
Use if-else after each game to ask to continue playing by pressing the A button or to exit by pressing the B button.
Modify the display of the R, P or S to use custom images instead.