3. Bot radio v3 - KitronikGameController


3.1. Unique groups

Use radio.config(group=8) to set unique groups in the room.
Make sure all microbits using a bot have the same group number (0-255).
Edit the code below to set the group.

3.1.1. Using Kitronik Game Controller for variable speeds

3.2. Radio for controller

The code below requires A button pressing for motor control.
No durations are set, so the motors will continue running with the last instruction they receive.
To stop, press the microbit A or B button, send: X.
For increasing speed forward, send: F, G, H.
Press the joypad UP button, F is sent, and a slow speed results.
Hold down the FIRE SW 1 button, and press the joypad UP button, G is sent, and a medium speed results.
Hold down the FIRE SW 2 button, and press the joypad UP button, H is sent, and a fast speed results.
For increasing speed backward, send: B, C, D
Press the joypad DOWN button.
For increasing speed left, send: L, M, N
Press the joypad LEFT button.
For increasing speed right, send: R, S, T
Press the joypad LEFT button.
from microbit import *
import music
import radio

radio.config(group=8)  # 0-255

# Class to drive Kitronik :GAME Controller
class KitronikGameController:

    # This function will be called when a class instance is created
    def __init__(self):
        self.musicPin = pin2
        self.Up = pin8
        self.Down = pin14
        self.Left = pin12
        self.Right = pin13
        self.Fire_1 = pin15
        self.Fire_2 = pin16

    # Determines whether a particular button has been pressed
    #  (returns True or False)
    def onButtonPress(self, button):
        if button.read_digital() == 0:
            return True
            return False

controller = KitronikGameController()
while True:
    if button_a.is_pressed():
        msg = "X"
    elif button_b.is_pressed():
        msg = "X"
    elif controller.onButtonPress(controller.Fire_2) is True:
        if controller.onButtonPress(controller.Up) is True:
            msg = "H"
        elif controller.onButtonPress(controller.Down) is True:
            msg = "D"
        elif controller.onButtonPress(controller.Left) is True:
            msg = "N"
        elif controller.onButtonPress(controller.Right) is True:
            msg = "T"
    elif controller.onButtonPress(controller.Fire_1) is True:
        if controller.onButtonPress(controller.Up) is True:
            msg = "G"
        elif controller.onButtonPress(controller.Down) is True:
            msg = "C"
        elif controller.onButtonPress(controller.Left) is True:
            msg = "M"
        elif controller.onButtonPress(controller.Right) is True:
            msg = "S"
        if controller.onButtonPress(controller.Up) is True:
            msg = "F"
        elif controller.onButtonPress(controller.Down) is True:
            msg = "B"
        elif controller.onButtonPress(controller.Left) is True:
            msg = "L"
        elif controller.onButtonPress(controller.Right) is True:
            msg = "R"

3.3. Radio for microbit on MOVEMotor

There are 3 speed settings.
When turning, the slowest speed has a tighter turn; the fastest speed has a less tight turnning circle.
from microbit import *
import radio
import MOVEMotor

radio.config(group=8)  # 0-255

# setup buggy
buggy = MOVEMotor.MOVEMotorMotors()

while True:
    msg = radio.receive()
    if msg is not None:
        if msg == "B":
        elif msg == "C":
        elif msg == "D":
        elif msg == "F":
        elif msg == "G":
        elif msg == "H":
        elif msg == "X":
        elif msg == "L":
            buggy.left(speed=2, radius=25)
        elif msg == "M":
            buggy.left(speed=3, radius=15)
        elif msg == "N":
            buggy.left(speed=4, radius=5)
        elif msg == "R":
            buggy.right(speed=2, radius=25)
        elif msg == "S":
            buggy.right(speed=3, radius=15)
        elif msg == "T":
            buggy.right(speed=4, radius=5)

3.4. Turning backwards


  1. Add B button pressing to allow backwards movement while turning.