- 1. Introduction
- 1.1. PC-Microbit-extension documentation
- 1.2. Home pages:
- 1.3. Key microbit references:
- 1.4. Microbit software using micropython:
- 1.5. Micropython simulator:
- 1.6. Blocky code simulator:
- 1.7. Out of Box hex file v2
- 1.8. Firmware
- 1.9. Sleep, Power off, wake
- 1.10. Useful sites:
- 1.11. Python references:
- 2. Micropython editor
- 3. Mu editor
- 1. MOVEMotor info
- 2. MOVEMotor module
- 3. MOVEMotor motors
- 4. MOVEMotor motor tests
- 5. MOVEMotor LEDs
- 6. MOVEMotor distance sensors
- 7. MOVEMotor line sensors
- 8. MOVEMotor line follower 1
- 9. MOVEMotor line follower 2
- 10. MOVEMotor line follower 3
- 10.1. Adding lights and sound: import modules
- 10.2. Adding lights and sound: set up lights
- 10.3. Adding lights and sound: lights functions
- 10.4. Adding lights and sound: police siren function
- 10.5. Adding lights and sound: start_buggy function
- 10.6. Adding lights and sound: add lights to line following and spin
- 10.7. Version 3 Code for thin line following with lights and sound
- 11. MOVEMotor line follower 4
- 12. MOVEMotor summary
- 1. Games introduction
- 2. Magic 8-ball
- 2.1. Game design
- 2.2. Specific Syntax
- 2.3. Game code without classes
- 2.4. Converting to using a class
- 2.5. Modifying classes
- 2.6. Pass arguments to the class
- 2.7. Modify the __init__ method in a child class
- 2.8. Use tilting in the run_game method in a child class
- 2.9. Use button pressing in the run_game method in a child class
- 2.10. Modify the __init__ and run_game methods in a new class
- 3. Tilt Pixels game
- 4. Press It game
- 5. Asteroids
- 6. Lights Out
- 7. Snake
- 8. Red Rain game